Élections Actionnariat Salariés 2024, Actualité, Épargne



Our candidacy represents 60% of the votes of employee shareholders,

Our candidacy is united and diverse,

Our candidacy is experienced and certified,

Our candidacy provide a great value.

Nadia Zak-Calvet-et-Marc-Maouche-Anglais-

Finally, advancing the rate of employee capital ownership, to reach a minimum of 10%, in order to have a significant impact on the decisions of the board of directors, in the interest of employee shareholders, by proposing and supporting:

• The regularity of share sales operations reserved for employees, including internationally, with discounts and matching contributions, and payment facilities,

• An increase in contributions (company contribution) for employee investments in the FCPE* Orange Actions and Orange Ambition international fund.

• A common base of remuneration and minimum guarantees for all in all geographies of the group,

• Indexing variable remuneration to the climate and environmental impacts of executive management,

• Gender equality and diversity in leadership positions,

• A desire to affirm Orange’s anchorage in France by ensuring the sovereignty and resilience of our infrastructures while preserving strategic jobs.

• The telecoms and digital sectors foster progress, we are committed to promoting inclusive and beneficial technology for everyone.

• Finding an acceptable balance of dividends to distribute the created wealth in the interest of all stakeholders while preserving the heritage interests of employee shareholders,

• Ensuring the sustainability and competitiveness of the company through long-term investments supporting the industrial project,

• Proposing a 10% increased dividend for long-term shareholding for the stability of shareholding and equity.

Elected for four years, your administrator represents the employee shareholders. He is one of the guarantors of the collegiality of work of all 15 members of the board of directors in the service of Employees, Shareholders, Customers, and Suppliers, by converging interests.


As the leading representative union in France, the CFDT acts:

• For an Economic, Environmental, and Social Contract,

• For a sustainable business development model,

• For quality jobs #EverywhereForEveryone

By supporting an experienced and competent duo, the CFDT works towards representative shareholder democracy.

William Coker

William Coker, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the FCPE* Orange Ambition International, supports

‘a duo that understands and takes into account the international challenges of the group, and is committed to the development of employee shareholding in all Orange subsidiaries worldwide.’

For 26 years, AASGO, independent from trade unions and political organizations, has been defending the interests of employee shareholders within Orange and with public authorities, promoting shareholder democracy, and supporting candidates committed to the development of employee shareholding by seeking collaborations.

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